
Dr. Lini ZHANG won the second-class prize of Shanghai Higher Education Young Teachers Training Grant Program Completion Presentation

发布时间:2024-12-19  浏览次数:11

近日,上海市教育委员会、上海市教育发展基金会举办举办的第五届上海高校青年教师培养资助计划结项展示活动在上海市教师教育学院举行。各市属高校从“上海高校青年教师培养资助计划” 2022年入选教师中推荐87名,参加人文社会、自然科学、经管法、高职高专、思想政治理论课五个组别展示活动,结合教育教学实践中形成的课程思政教学案例进行交流,在深化课程教学内容的学术性、实践性、前沿性的同时,着力强化找准学科的价值属性,将知识传授与价值引领有机融合,展现了课程思政建设能力和业务水平。上海应用技术大学消费者行为研究中心张丽妮博士获得二等奖。

Recently,  the completion presentation of the Shanghai Higher Education Young Teachers Cultivation Funding Program hosted by Shanghai Teachers' Education Institute on behalf of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education and Shanghai Education Development Foundation. 87 outstanding young teachers from the 2022 Shanghai Higher Education Young Teachers Cultivation Funding Program to participate in this activity. Dr. Lini ZHANG from the RCCB at SIT won the second-class prize.
